

How to open the settings?
You can open settings on Xplorer by clicking the `Settings` button on the left down of Xplorer.


How to exit from the settings?
You can exit from settings on Xplorer by clicking the Arrow Up button on the upside left of Xplorer.


App Theme#

You can change Xplorer's app theme on the Appearance tab of the Settings. Available default themes are light, light+, dark, and dark+. Besides, there is System Default theme which will automatically read your system preference.


Xplorer will supports custom app theme soon, stay tuned!

Acrylic Effect#

Acrylic Effect is the effect which gives the transparency effect on the sidebar. Only works on Windows 10 and higher.

File Preview#

The file preview here means the preview that replaces the default icon of a file.

Play video file as preview#

THis will automatially play the video file as preview.


This might consume hight amount of RAM because it's built on the HTML video player. You can just enable this setting and ignore this caution if you got a good-spec computer.

Extract EXE file icon and make it as preview#

This will parse and cache the icon from a exe file and make it as preview. Only on Windows.

Extract Exe file icon

Default file layout#

Default file layout of a directory. Just give it a try :)

App Language#

Localize Xplorer. Help us translate Xplorer here.

Hide Hidden Files#

Hide hidden files on Xplorer, you can find this setting on Preference tab on Xplorer or by it's shortcut, Ctrl + H.

Hide System Files#

Hide Windows' system files on Xplorer.


Learn what is system file here. Just turn it off if you don't understand what it is.

List and sort directories alongside with files#

If disabled, Xplorer will prioritize directories above files.